Personnel / Gestion multifonctionnelle des forêts
Garcia Pausas, Jordi
973 48 1752 (236)

I graduated in Biological Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1999) and earned a PhD from the University of Lleida (2011). My PhD thesis addressed the organic C cycling and the factors determining the soil C accumulation in Pyrenean mountain grasslands. A postdoc grant allowed me to work at the James Hutton Institute (Aberdeen, Scotland) for two years (2012-2013), and then I received a Juan de la Cierva grant (2016-2017) for doing research at CTFC. Currently, I am a post-doctoral researcher at CTFC.

Interested in soil and plant ecology and the interactions between soil and plants in the context of land management or perturbations. My work has mainly focused on the C and nutrient cycling, including plant productivity, leaf- and root-litter decomposition, microbial activity and functionality, and the physical stabilisation of soil organic matter. Currently, working on the effects of forest management (e.g. thinning, prescribed burnings) on soil C and nutrient cycling in the plant-soil system.

Garcia-Pausas J, Romanyà J, Casals P. 2022. Post-fire recovery of soil microbial functions is promoted by plant growth. European Journal of Soil Science 73:e13290

Garcia-Pausas J, Rabissi A, Rovira P, Romanyà J. 2017. Organic fertilisation increases C and N stocks and reduces soil organic matter stability in Mediterranean vegetable gardens. Land Degradation and Development 28: 691-698

Garcia-Pausas J, Romanyà J, Montané F, Rios AI, Taull M, Rovira P, Casals P. 2017. Are soil carbon stocks in mountain grasslands compromised by land-use changes. In: Catalan J, Ninot JM, Aniz M. (Ed.) High Mountain Conservation in a Changing World. Advances in Global Change Research 62, Springer. pp. 207-230

Garcia-Pausas J, Casals P, Rovira P, Vallecillo S, Sebastià MT, Romanyà J. 2012. Decomposition of labelled roots and root-C and –N allocation between soil fractions in mountain grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 49: 61-69

Garcia-Pausas J, Paterson E. 2011. Microbial community abundance and structure are determinants of soil organic matter mineralisation in the presence of labile carbon. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43: 1705-1711

Garcia-Pausas J, Casals P, Romanyà J, Vallecillo S, Sebastià MT. 2011. Seasonal patterns of belowground biomass and productivity in mountain grasslands in the Pyrenees. Plant and Soil 340: 315-326