Staff / Bioeconomía, salud y gobernanza
Serra Davos, Marta
Política forestal y gobernanza del riesgo
973 48 1752 (303)

Graduated in Geography at the University of Barcelona and Master's in Policies and Planning for Cities, Environment and Landscape at Autonomous University of Barcelona.

She works in research applied projects motivated by relevant practical problems, such as the Integration of wildfire risk into spatial and urban planning in Catalonia. Her expertise is related to Disaster Risk Management, Climate adaptation strategies, Forest and Land policy, Governance and Planning from a social science perspective.

She has been involved in several EU and regional projects linked to risk management (wildfires, floods or avalanches, among others) touching different specific topics such as risk communication, networking, urban and spatial planning and governance.

Furthermore her expertise is also related to the relationship between forest and society, justice or gender, among others.

Ascoli, D., Plana, E., Oggioni, S. D., Tomao, A., Colonico, M., Corona, P., Giannino, F., Moreno, M., Xanthopoulos, G., Kaoukis, K., Athanasiou, M., Colaço, M. C., Rego, F., Sequeira, A. C., Acácio, V., Serra, M., & Barbati, A. (2023). Fire-smart solutions for sustainable wildfire risk prevention: Bottom-up initiatives meet top-down policies under EU green deal. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 92, 103715.

Serra, M., Plana, E. (2022). Gestión de riesgo naturales: Protección civil y cambio climático. Revista Incendios y Riesgos Naturales 6:35-36

Plana, E., Serra, M., Barbati, A., Colonico, M., Tomao, A., Colaço, C., Acácio, V., Sequeira, Ascoli, D. (2020). Soluciones inteligentes para la prevención de incendios forestales. Riesgo de Incendios y Riesgos Naturales 1: 69-71

Ascoli, D., Barbati, A., Colonico, M., Tomao, A., Colaço, C., Acácio, V., Sequeira, A.C., Serra, M., Plana, E. (2020). Soluzioni intelligenti per la prevenzione integrata degli incendi. Sherwood - Foreste ed Alberi Oggi 247:33-37

Serra, M., Plana, E., Cerdan, R. (2019). La integración del riesgo de incendios forestales en el urbanismo: una aproximación normativa, analítica y práctica para el caso de Cataluña. A: "Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo", vol. 0, núm. 11.

Plana, E., Font, M., Serra, M., Hörl, J., Hengst-Ehrhart, Y., Hartebrodt, C., Held, A., Clemenceau, A., Giroud, F., Tola, F., Capula, T., Cinus, S., Visani, C., Soi, F., Manca, G., Prat, N., Borràs, M., Vendrell, J., Ballart, H. and Vilalta, O. (2018). Forest risks in a climate change context: trends and risk management challenges of wildfires, foods, storms, avalanches and their interactions in EU landscapes. CTFC Editions. 76pp

Serra, M. (2016). La integració del risc d’incendis forestals en el planejament territorial i urbanístic de Catalunya: anàlisi de la situació i propostes de millora. Treball Final de Màster en Plans i Polítiques per a la Ciutat, l’Ambient i el Paisatge (2014-2016), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Plana, E., Font, M., Serra, M. (2016). Forest fires, guidelines for communicators and journalists. Efirecom Project. CTFC Editions. 32pp

Plana, E., Font, M., Serra, M., Borràs, M., Vilalta, O., Garcia, J. (2016). Fire and forest fires in the Mediterranean; a relationship story between forest and society. Efirecom Project. CTFC Editions. 36pp

Plana, E., Martín, D., Font, M., Serra, M., Molina, D. (2015). Wildfire risk communication and governance: managing societal involvement and multi-stakeholder cross-sectoral planning. In Plana, E., Font, M., Green, T. (Ed.). Operational tools and guidelines for improving efficiency in wildfire risk reduction in EU landscapes. FIREfficient Project. CTFC Editions. Pp: 19-25