Staff / Landscape dynamics and biodiversity
Aquilué Junyent, Núria
Precision Forestry - New tools for forestry decision making (PrecFor)
973 48 1752 (293)


  • Ph.D in Environmental Sciences - Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), 2013 - 2018
  • M.Sc. in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Centre for Ecological and Forestry Applications Research (CREAF), 2010
  • Postgraduate course in Quantitative Techniques for Financial Products - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya • BarcelonaTech (UPC), 2008
  • B.Sc. in Mathematics - Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics • UPC, 2005

Work experience

  • Post-doctoral researcher fellow at the Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Lab (CTFC, Catalonia, Spain. 2018 – present)
  • Post-doctoral researcher fellow at Centre d'Étude de la Forêt (UQAM, Montréal, Canada. 2018 – present)  
  • Post-doctoral researcher fellow at TELUQ (Montréal, Canada. 2020 – present)  
  • GIS programmer with the GRUMETS (Methods and Applications in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems) research group (UAB, Catalonia, Spain. Oct 2009 – Jun 2010)
  • Programmer and Database manager at SegurCaixa Holding, S.A. (Barcelona, Spain. May 2006 – Set 2009)


Núria Aquilué; Élise Filotas; Dylan Craven; Marie-Josée Fortin; Lluís Brotons; Christian Messier. Evaluating forest resilience to global threats using functional response traits and network properties. Ecological Applications. 2020.

Alejandra Morán-Ordóñez; Andrea Duane; Assu Gil-Tena; Miquel De Cáceres; Núria Aquilué; Carlos A. Guerra; Ilse R. Geijzendorffer; Marie-Josée Fortin; Lluís Brotons. Future impact of climate extremes in the Mediterranean: soil erosion projections when fire and extreme rainfall meet. Land Degradation & Development. 2020.

Silvana Pais; Núria Aquilué; João Campos; Ângelo Sil; Bruno Marcos; Fernando Martínez-Freiría; Jesús Domínguez; Lluís Brotons; Joäo P. Honrado; Adrián Regos. Mountain farmland protection and fire-smart management jointly reduce fire hazard and enhance biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Ecosystem Services. 44, pp. 101-143. 2020.

Marco Mina; Christian Messier; Matthew Duveneck; Marie-Josée Fortin; Núria Aquilué. Network analysis can guide resilience-based management in forest landscapes under global change. Ecological Applications. 2020.

Núria Aquilué; Marie-Josée Fortin; Christian Messier; Lluís Brotons. The potential of agricultural conversion to shape forest fire regimes in Mediterranean landscapes. Ecosystems. 23 - 1, pp. 34 - 51. 2020.

João Carlos Campos; Julia Bernhardt; Núria Aquilué; Lluís Brotons; Jesús Domínguez; Ângela Lomba; Bruno Marcos; Fernando Martínez-Freiría; Francisco Moreira; Silvana Pais; João P. Honrado; Adrián Regos. Using fire to enhance rewilding when agricultural policies fail. Science of the Total Environment. pp. 142897. 2020.

Andrea Duane; Núria Aquilué; Quim Canelles; Alejandra Morán-Ordoñez; Miquel De Cáceres; Lluís Brotons. Adapting prescribed burns to future climate change in Mediterranean landscapes. Science of the Total Environment. 677, pp. 68 - 83. 2019.

Quim Canelles; Núria Aquilué; Andrea Duane; Lluís Brotons. From stand to landscapes: modelling post-fire regeneration and species growth. Ecological Modelling. 404, pp. 103 - 111. 2019.

Christian Messier; Juergen Bauhus; Frédérik Doyon; Fanny Maure; Rita Sousa Silva; Philippe Nolet; Marco Mina; Núria Aquilué; Marie-Josée Fortin; Klaus Puettman. The functional complex network approach to foster forest  resilience to global changes. Forest Ecosystems. pp. 6 - 21. 2019.

Mathieu Bouchard; Núria Aquilué; Catherine Périé; Marie-Claude Lambert. Tree species persistence under warming conditions: A key driver of forest response to climate change. Forest Ecology and Management. 442, pp. 96 - 104. 2019.